Friday, January 27, 2017

Maria Vieira threat to take Ana Ball court – the Journal News

Ana Filipe Silveira

Maria Vieira broke the silence regarding the statements of the Ana Ball, and clarified that, contrary to what has been suggested, the texts that you publish on social networks are of his authorship.

Anna Ball have written a week ago that Maria Vieira is “a creature wretched” on your page of Facebook, comment assigned to the opinion of Parrachita, as it is known Maria Vieira, about Donald Trump. The publication has in the meantime been deleted, but not before generating a wave of criticism of the posture of the actress sight before his sympathy with the policies of the new president of the United States. Now, because Ana Ball spoke to this on Friday morning on direct that the program você na TV, TVI, Maria Vieira came to the public defender, not only to your opinions, but also the question since then: if it will be the author of publications in your name on social networks.

“I have to say that the texts published on my page [Facebook] are written by me and not by others, that like any other citizen I have the democratic right granted by the freedom of expression to expose my ideas and my thoughts without being subject to insults and the spreading of lies, slanderous on the part of people who say my friends or known whether Ms. Ana Ball or any other public person with direct access to the means of communication that may in any way harming me, defame, or offend”, says the interpreter.

Maria Vieira adds on your online press release that his lawyer “you already have in your possession all the documents relating to the offensive claims later deleted by Ms. Ana Ball in his page of Facebook, as well as the images that document their statements given in the program You on TV”. “I do know that immediately shall commence judicial proceedings against Ms. Ana Ball, or any other person in public than to insist on publicly disclose the lies about me are given, or any insults about me are made. It is thus that I would like to avoid, taking into account the past more or less affable and friendly that characterized my relationship with Ms. Ana Ball that pretenderei act, where these sad events turn to repeat in the future”, he writes.

The actress still accuses the professional colleague say “the lies ill-intentioned individuals who blatantly try to harm” your “personal and professional life”.

In the program from the station of Queluz de Baixo presented by Manuel Luis Goucha e Cristina Ferreira, Ana Ball stated that “I would call damning to Mary Vieira”. “This post that I made was not following the post from Trump, with which I do not agree, but in the wake of that speech that Meryl Streep made in the delivery of the Golden Globes in that Maria Vieira made a comment estranhíssimo, she being also a woman and actress. This comes in a sequence of comments and I do not believe that to be written by Mary Vieira,” he stressed.

“I Have many friends right with me I give beautifully and what goes on there in that page of Facebook, is for there to be from the right or the left. It is a thing almost to the level of dangerous things, things the nazis salazaristas… and with this I cannot agree,” continued Anna Ball.

In the commentary published last week, the Ball regretted “that the good person, fair, innocent, and friendly, talented and happy that I have met has transformed into a creature wretched”.


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