The research, published today in the journal Nature and was developed by McGill University, Monreal, Canada, has revealed for the first time that the system uncontrolled pain affects the areas of the human brain that are activated by stimuli pleasant.
“This is the first evidence that the opioids themselves of the brain are directly involved in the musical pleasure”, stresses Daniel Levitin, one of the authors of the study.
In previous work, the expert and his team came to produce maps of the areas of the brain that activate with the music, but not confirmed that these chemical neural pathways were responsible for the pleasure generated by music.
In the latest research, the scientists blocked selectively and temporarily opioids through the use of a drug commonly used in the treatment of opioid dependence and alcohol.
After you have measured the reactions of the 17 participants in the study stimuli, musical and found that even his favorite subjects are left to generate sensations of pleasure.
One of the participants in the experience said that he knew that the music I was listening to was one of their favourites, but that she had not produced the same feeling that on other occasions, and another said: “looks good but is not telling me anything.”
The universality of music and its ability to profoundly affect the emotions suggest that there is an evolutionary origin, so that these new findings “provide further evidence of the biological basis of evolution of music,” said Levitin.
The scientists remind us that some of the activities of the human being, such as drinking alcoholic beverages, having sex, or playing cards, among many others, can also generate dependencies that affect the lives and relationships of people. And consequently consider the study about the origin neurochemical of pleasure is a key piece for neuroscience in general.
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