Saturday, October 29, 2016

Of Calabria to Japan with Portugal in the palmares of the Festival Audience.en

The programming of the Festival 2016 had given to understand the good moment of the documentary that is done in Portugal, and the winners, announced at the beginning of the Saturday night comes to confirm it: of the 12 prizes awarded by the various juries, eight-were delivered to productions or co-productions in portugal. Even the winner of the Great City of Lisbon Award for best film in the international competition has Portugal inside it: Calabria, the swiss Pierre-François Sauter, follows two morticians carry the body of an emigrant of Lausanne to his hometown in Calabria. The morticians are, themselves, immigrants, the Portuguese José Russo Baião and the Serbian Jovan Nikolic, and how Sauter is included with quietly of the long journey of the duo in a car funeral plays unobtrusively in the central questions of identity in contemporary europe.

The international competition jury, formed by professionals Manon de Boer, Karen Akerman and Valérie Massadian, by curator Kathrin Kohlstedde and journalist Ludovic Lamant, gave an honorable mention to the average film of the colombian Laura Huertas-Millán Black Sun, experience the walls-socks with the fiction ethnographic; the Premium SPA of the short debut of the moroccan Ilias el Faris, Azayz; and the Prize of PUBLIC for the best short (cross-sections), the Downhill, Miguel Faro, about the culture of skateboarding.

The best Portuguese film in the competition is also quiet – the Ama-san, the immersive journey of Cláudia Varejão to the world of the diving japanese fishing for urchins and scallops in the back japanese, was the choice of the jury-formed by artist Emily Wardill, by singer Alexandra Carmo (Xana of Radio Macau), and by the developer, Mads Mikkelsen. The same jury ascribed still two prizes transversal to the various sections. The prize José Saramago was the Matches by Rita Azevedo Gomes, about the correspondence between Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen, Jorge de Sena. 300 Miles, of the syrian Orwa el Mokdad, about the experience of the war in Syria seen in dara’a and Aleppo, he received the award for Best First Work.

In the national competition were also cited co-production of The City where I get older of the brazilian Marília Rocha (premium Kino Sound Studio) and the trial of Edgar Pêra The Spectator Amazed (Schools award ETIC). The film Cláudia Rita Oliveira on the artist Cruzeiro Seixas, The Letters of King Arthur, received the audience award for best Portuguese film. The other two short national won the film competition of school Green Years – Pulse Robin Petré (grand prize) and Cable World Kate Saragaço-Gomes (special jury prize).

The awards can be seen even in the room this Sunday. In the São Jorge cinema display to 16h15 Downhill and Ama-san; the Culturgest receives 19h 300 Miles and 21: 30 Azayz and Calabria.


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