8:00 • Rita Bertrand
Train your ears from an early age is important to form musicians, but also demanding and informed public. With this conviction, the Centro Cultural de Belém in Lisbon (in partnership with institutions from several European countries, from Belgium to Greece), created the Festival Big Bang, with concerts, performances and sound installations for children from 4 to 12, who It takes place for the fifth time this weekend, week – 23 and 24, extending to 25 for artists, students and music teachers.
One of the highlights is the meeting of 13 young Portuguese Big Band Junior with fanfare Hop Frog, Belgian metal band that crosses free jazz and theater of the absurd. Another is the world premiere of The City Deep Sadness , “a fable about the power of music” that joins the Dead Combo the puppets and scenery, with the help of Ainhoa Vidal actress and illustrator Nuno Salsinha .
The jazz pianist Filipe Raposo also promises to surprise with four hands, that will play while António Jorge Gonçalves draws in real time, and Paulo Maria Rodrigues, artistic director of the festival and Company Theatrical music, leads a tour of Piano’s Anatomy, it is proposed to reveal stories and “normally hidden details of the most influential instrument of Western music.”
The project room of Musicians, which in other years put the children know the sound fantasies of artists like Noiserv and Rita Redshoes, reveals the fantastic imaginary Master Margaret (voice), Joan Bagulho (harpsichord) and Beatriz Bagulho (drawings).
Festival Big Bang – Centro Cultural de Belém, Lisbon
Friday , 16:30, and Saturday, 17h Big Band Junior + Hop Frog Fanfare
Friday and Saturday , 13.30 Hop Frog Fanfare ( outdoor)
Friday and Saturday, 10:30 am and 14h Piano anatomy || 10h30, 13h and 15h30 or BABEL When we speak the same language || 12h and 15h30 A City of Sadness Deep || 12h and 14h 4 Hands || 12h and 15h Songs with roots
11h30, 14h and 15h30 Room Musicians Facilities: 10h-17h30 (sessions every hour) the drawers are born Sons || INSONO || 10h30-13h and 14h-17h30 (free) Bicycles sing || Resonance Sunday, 5/10, 15h-17h (free) Seminar Big Bang
Friday € 3.50 (includes 2 activities, extra activity: € 1 ) || Sat., € 4 (for each activity) || Facilities: € 2
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