Take will be ‘invaded’ by about a dozen Knights Templar. Will spend the night in the castle, and show everyone that they visit as it was a real “medieval warrior atmosphere,” as did the “maintenance of weapons, mail preparation, dining quilting, sewing, manufacturing torches, guard site and training for war, fencing, long bow, spear, are some of the activities in which visitors can participate. “
The two-day camp, organized by the Convent of Christ, the public can participate in history workshops, longbow, historical fencing, drama characters, tasting and various animations for the younger.
This is one of 610 cultural activities that will take place across the continent and islands to mark the International Day for Monuments and Sites, which meets the objectives set out by the International Council of Monuments and Sítioa of “raise awareness of the diversity and vulnerability of heritage and to the effort involved in their protection and recovery”.
In addition to the celebration of this day, workers monuments and archaeological sites on strike to overtime under a notice issued by the National Federation of Unions of Workers in Public and Social Functions (FNSTFPS). According to the statement issued on Friday by the Federation, the strike was scheduled for today, Day for Monuments and Sites, and 16 to 18 May, Night and Museum Day.
The FNSTFPS says” these days, the Government / Ministry of Culture have been using workers to shine before the media and the public who can visit them [museums and monuments], free of charge, outside the normal hours, including night in. “
” Most workers appear to do 18 hours of work followed, in clear violation of all legal norms, for the daily working time , continuous and extraordinary work laboring. They are also called to work the unemployed who are employed with inclusion of employment contract, without shame none as the exaggerated workload that the subject these days, “adds the Federation.
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