Important news for fans of “Star Wars” (“Star Wars”): Disney confirmed on Thursday that the eighth episode of the series of films will hit theaters on May 26, 2017, 40 ‘ and a day “after the start of George Lucas saga 1977 ‘Sar Wars: A New Hope’. The multinational also announced the debut of the first “spin-off” – “Rogue One ‘- on 16 December 2016.
During a meeting with shareholders, in San Francisco, USA, the chief executive Disney, Bob Iger, also revealed that Rian Johnson will be the screenwriter and the director responsible for the eighth Star Wars movie. Johnson will fill the vacancy of JJ Abrams, who will drive Episode VII ‘Star Wars – The Force Wake’, which will hit theaters in December this year.
Since the first spin-off, “Rogue One ‘, will be held by Gareth Edwards, who directed the 2014 movie” Godzilla “. Felicty Jones, actress who recently highlighted in “The Theory of Everything”, is the first confirmation for this film.
Felicity Jones
no details about the plot of the derivative of ‘Star Wars’ movie yet, but it is known that “Rogue One’ is the name of the best pilot of Rogue Squadron, elite pilots of the Rebel Alliance. Luke Skywalker was once a Rogue One, and now the confirmation Felicty Jones starring probably puts a woman in that position.
Mark Hammill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford
As for “Star Wars – The Force Wake ‘brand as early as December this year the return to theaters in the series created by George Lucas. The Episode VII has the presence of Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher. The production will still have the Oscar Isaac cast, Adam Driver, Andy Serkis, Domhall Gleeson, Max von Sydow, among others. The plot takes place 30 years after the events of “Star Wars – Return of the Jedi.”
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