Monday, December 8, 2014

“Christmas in Faceco” festival and animate town of Sao Teotonio – Mail Alentejo

7:00 a.m. – Sunday, 07/12/2014

“Christmas in Faceco” and
 animate town of Sao Teotonio

Sao Teotonio, in the district of Beja, will be “invaded” by the Christmas spirit this Sunday and Monday, 7 and 8, with two initiatives in the grounds of Faceco.
” Christmas in Faceco “and the Corn and Bean Festival will take place over the two days, with the exhibition and sale of local products and crafts, and music, children’s entertainment and cuisine.
For this Sunday, 7, highlighting the performances of the groups “Mira Cavaquinhos” (15:00), “Sing Sao Teotonio” (16:00) and “Tibornia” (21:00), and a jewelery workshop (16:00), an showcooking corn porridge (16.30) and II Contest of Corn Papas (19:00).
For Monday, 8, among other activities, there will be a show with hip hop dance group “Soul Beat” Sao Teotonio (15.00) a weaving workshop (16:00), the I Contest Feijoada (17.00) and musical entertainment with the groups “Rock Nam Drome” ( 18:00) and “wake up” (20:00).



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