In the driver’s registration are serious or very serious offenses. The light offenses are not included. In addition to the loss of points, the driver continues to be required to pay fines.
At first, the new card comes with 12 points. Drivers will getting no points as they commit offenses, two points for serious offenses, four for very serious offenses. Since road crimes lead to loss of six points.
In these cases, if the driver is under the influence of alcohol or psychotropic substances the penalty is higher: three points for serious offenses, five points for very serious offenses. In these cases the driver may lose all points at once.
Good behavior gives points
The new letter also states that the driver get points. For three years without serious offenses, very serious or road crimes receive, the driver gets three points, up to 15.
If there is no record of road crimes, the driver can still make a point if often a voluntary training action at the time of revalidation of the letter. In this case, the maximum is 16 points
The new rules state that the loss of all points leads to the loss of the letter, with a notice by the courts. . The driver is without a license and can only make a new examination after two years
Even before, when the driver is only four points, are required to attend a training action. When you have only two points, you are required to attend a safety training and a theoretical proof of the driving test. If skipping school is without the 12 points and without the letter. Improve signage
In Good morning Portugal RTP, the Secretary of State for
Home Office admits that the point system causes loss
the license is “easier”, but becomes more noticeable to
driver the importance of compliance.
Jorge Gomes explains that the entry into force of this law reflects a common concern of all parties.
With this system, the driver has the perception of a “current account” points, further blaming the motorist.
From the Government, the Secretary of State says that the implementation of new
system will require the Executive to give attention to other aspects,
in particular the improvements in the signaling.
System “more practical”
Carlos Barbosa, President of the ACP considers that the points system is advantageous because it allows drivers to access their “master” in a more practical way.
Speaking to Good Day Portugal , in RTP, President of the ACP also criticizes municipalities by signaling “extremely poor”, which can lead to more offenses for drivers.
Also in the opinion of Carlos Barbosa, the examination done when only two points should be practical and not theoretical.
lieutenant Colonel Lourenço da Silva believes the letter by points will help change the behavior of the Portuguese drivers.
Lourenço da Silva speaks of “psychological impact” on the behavior of the new system drivers, and the risk of license loss is the same.
The official also ensures that posture GNR before the inspection will be “the same” and that the new system it is not a “hunting fine.”
Drivers may use
Fernando Pinto Moutinho, vice president of the National Road Safety Authority warns that the loss of all points on the driving license categorically prevents driving for two years and can not this punishment be replaced by others.
Fernando Pinto Moutinho states that decisions on the loss of points can be re-evaluated if the driver so understand.
Luis Squire, the Association of Self-Mobilized Citizens, considers the implementation of the system a factor “quite positive “, similar to what already happens in other European countries.
“In Portugal, people usually do not get without a license. In the last six years, only 35 people were without a license,” said the representative, adding that it is crucial that drivers have this “threat” in order to change behaviors.
Luis Squire states that this system only comes into actual practice if the fines are effectively processed, with a higher placement imperative number of radar boxes on the roads.
“The letter by points is a good step, but if there is no supervision and ability to process all the files, ultimately have no effect,” says the official.
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