The Prince musician has been treated for a drug overdose six days before his death , and was treated at the hospital in Moline, Illinois.
The singer followed a private plane, after several concerts in Georgia, and an emergency landing was made for it to be taken to hospital. The official version of the musician stated that it was only a cold.
The news is advanced by the site TMZ , which specializes in celebrities, who writes that the musician received an injection to counteract the effects of an opioid. Doctors wanted Prince to stay in hospital at least 24 hours, but for lack of availability of a private room, the singer refused to stay and ended up going home.
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the American site distrusted the official version of the singer, as the plane was only about 50 minutes from the singer’s home trip, which made little credible history the flu. However, on Saturday, the musician was at a party near his home and asked those present to “postpone the prayers”, and that was good.
TMZ advances that the Minnesota officials are trying to access Moline hospital records. The cause of the Prince’s death is still, however, unknown and will be determined by autopsy at the performer’s body, which is held on Friday.
The US site also reveals that Prince was seen in a pharmacy four times this week, last Wednesday night, around 19:00. Witnesses said the singer seemed more fragile than at other times.
Prince Rogers Nelson, born June 7, 1958 in Minneapolis, Minnesota, died Thursday, Paisley Park Studios . The singer, dancer, American composer who was known only by his first name and was considered an icon in pop music for more than three decades, died at a time when that was on tour last album, already recording the next and write a memoir, whose provisional title was “the Beautiful Ones”.
in emergency call 911 (equivalent to 112 in Portugal) you can see that the singer was already dead when the authorities came to the studio.
who calls the hotline says they are in the “house of the Prince and that there is a dead person.” When asked if “was from the person,” confirmed and added that it was “Prince”.
The paramedics would eventually confirm this on arrival at Paisley Park, where the singer lived.
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