He was 77 years and a career of more than 50. Actor, director and author was yesterday remembered by many. Marcelo Herman José, António Calvary Rui Mendes
“I was made to look silly …” António Calvary took breakfast in a cafe near his home. “I was watching a television show, and suddenly begin to see in the footer. It’s terrible, no one is waiting.” It was the death of his friend Francisco Nicholson passing in a footnote. Was 77 years old, was an actor, director, playwright, author of the first Portuguese soap opera, Vila Faia , and pioneering comedy show Riso rhythm , who signed Armando Cortez.
And he is the author of the lyrics of Prayer , the first Portuguese song in the song Festival. Calvary was the one who sang in 1964, a year after meeting Nicholson in revues. “It was the [show] Top Hat at the ABC theater. We made huge digressions, ran the country. We were going to all that was parody after work.”
Parody, Prayer and more than 50-year career. Francisco Antonio de Vasconcelos Nicholson – had English ancestry on the paternal side – who was born in Lisbon on June 26, 1938, died in hospital Curry Cabral, where he was hospitalized since Thursday due to complications from a liver transplant, which was . submitted a few years ago
look at the pictures of his life is to see your photos style calls, 60s, those who autografavam – his only novel is the Dead do not give Autographs (2014) – and hand in hand; It is to see it next to a Nicholas Breyner mustache and a Rui Mendes puny a meeting of actors, days after the April 25, in Parque Mayer; It is to see it to him and Armando Cortez topper; him on stage with a donkey; he and his daughter, actress, Sofia Nicholson; he and his second wife, Magda Cardoso dancer.
António Calvary recalls the “good fellowship” of the man who says he has never seen “sad.” One day, “even invented a story to sell water from my shower Vials with the label:. António Calvary bath was not the same and it was a symbolic price and the girls took things only Francisco Nicholson ……”
Rui Mendes knew him well before. Kids were “13 years” in the same class of Camões Lyceum in Lisbon. It was then that began to make theater with the director António Manuel Couto Viana. After Nicholson returned from the Navy and Paris, where he spent the Academy Charles Dullin, the National Théâtre Populaire, Rui Mendes returned to work with the Children’s Theatre Company Gerifalto.
“The best author telenovelas “
in all that Nicholson did, Rui Mendes was seeing” always the same Francisco, evolving in various facets. ” “He innovated in the theater, in the magazine, in the soap opera on television. To innovate is not to do what the others did and do new things, more advanced. It was what he did everywhere. I think he is the best author soap opera that has ever existed in this country. ” In magazine, he worked in theaters as ABC or Villaret, either as an actor or as a director. He founded the Theatre Adoque shortly after April 25.
The values that then drove the may be between which led the President to say that Nicholson leaves “the longing Fighter political intervention for democracy” like the one that leaves as “artist” and “friend,” said Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa in a video message. In addition to Vila Faia , the first Portuguese soap opera, other written as Wolves . “Even as sick he was never in a bad mood. He was always cheerful, with a sense of extraordinary humor,” says Rui Mendes.
Also Herman Joseph reminded the Lusa a “great author.” And a “Survivor”: “How does a liver transplant recipient twin can live up to 77 years is a historical thing?”. The funeral of Francis Nicholson takes place tomorrow, from 10.00 in the Basilica da Estrela.
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