There was poetry, music, words of friendship and love. The body was veiled in the Rivoli theater that has become a landmark of the town council of short Paulo Cunha e Silva. Ali, heard Bach, Mozart, Janacek and Pinho Vargas by Álvaro Teixeira Lopes. Pedro Abrunhosa also left two songs and said, “While there is no tomorrow, lights Lights in me.”
Poetry was led by Miguel Pereira Leite.. The president of the Municipal Assembly read the “Blues Funeral” WH Auden of the author who sent dismantle the sun and the moon package. “Let airplanes circle moaning to the sky / Scribbling in the air the message he died,” warned the text.
There is also heard the first loud applause that accompanied Paulo Cunha e Silva. The afternoon was clear to receive the funeral procession – from Rivoli to Lapa – on foot for about two thousand people. Up front, the immediate family. Soon after, the municipal team Rui Moreira, who was the councilor of Culture one of the intervening people.
At the end of the ceremony, the mayor cried literally “the irreplaceable friend.” In a speech that cost him read, spoke on his behalf and on behalf of “the city that has lost a genius out of any standard,” said that Cunha e Silva “was capable of the infinite with limited resources.”
“He had a Midas touch amazing because what we still have not seen, he saw clearly act in culture, culture in essence, concrete culture,” said Rui Moreira. The mayor ended the speech with a request to God, citing the letter of St. Paul to the Philippians: “All that’s true, noble, just, pure, of kind, of honorable, whatever is virtue and worthy of praise, all this utter it into account. In all, Lord Paul had a lot. Of everything. “
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