Saturday, December 17, 2016

12 essential texts on the ranking of the schools – Observer

you can Even not be completely glazed in ranking, or it can even be quite critical in relation to the list that is the result of a sort of basic and secondary schools, public and private, based on the students ‘ grades in national examinations, but the truth is that, such as those that vibrate with this information, you will almost certainly want to look and know in which place is the school that he attended in the past and how it compares with the other, or do you want to know what position occupies the school to the side of your house or to wherever your children go to study. This, or know what is the school rated and see why.

And to give answer to these questions that will arise and to kill the curiosity of many the Observer publishes, this year, for the first time, and in collaboration with the Nova SBE, the ranking of the schools for the 9.Th year and the secondary. Is an interactive element and therefore you can simply scroll the entire list of 1.105 basic schools with the data or 547 secondary schools are considered, or browse using the filters, by county, by type of school (public or private), or by discipline (two 9′s.Th year and 9 in secondary). By clicking on each school you can find out even more information about the same, a single plug is created for each establishment.

The major conclusions that result from the reading of the rankings drawn up by the Observer/ Nova SBE, published this Saturday, is that among the 50 best secondary schools, eight are public, the first public appears at 35.St place. It is the primary and Secondary School of D. Filipa de Lencastre, Lisbon, where the Observer spent an afternoon and realize that success is achieved with the requirement and "affections". But if you ordain the schools for the promotion of school success, then the composition of the first places to change, with most public schools are mixed. The Observer was to understand the primary and Secondary School of the Arga e Lima, in Viana do Castelo, which appears in the third place.

Now the very first place of this ranking of the secondary is completed by the private school Our Lady of the Rosary, in the Port where the Observer was also in the conversation with students, principals, teachers, parents and helpers.

In relation to 9.Th year, also the private return to dominate the first places in the ranking, with the College’s New Maya to achieve the best results, and the first public arise only in the 35.Th place, such as in the secondary is the Secondary School D. Manuel of Beja. A given to underline is that nearly half of the schools has an average negative combination of the two tests.

Returning to the 12.Th year, and taking advantage of the data provided by the Direction General of Statistics of Education and Science (DGECC), it is possible to notice that there are 14 schools in the past five years were always an average of the internal notes (which are the result of the evaluation of teachers) misaligned to the top, compared with the average of the schools whose students had equal performance in the national examinations. Notes inflated or indicator "fallacious"?

the Truth is that the internal notes of the students are usually higher than the notes in the exams. And it even give Ana Tour Kings and Catherine Angelo of the New SBE. In the preliminary version of the study "Gender gaps in different grading sytems: evidence from Portugal", to which the Observer had access, it is still possible to realize that the girls come out usually most benefited in the assignment of grades by teachers than the boys.

These and other information can be found in this collection of articles that the Observer is prepared to make the most informed possible about the topic, whether it be student, parent, director or teacher.


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