José Alberto Carvalho was one of the personalities who attended the funeral of Emidio Rangel.
The chief information officer of TVI has written a text that read during the ceremony and later shared it on his Facebook page in honor of Emidio Rangel:
share the text sketched this morning to read a particularly painful circumstance here. I hope you like and who has been touched in any manner whatsoever, you can feel represented in these few words. No life fits four boards a coffin. It’s no longer fit in the world. There can be, therefore, an incomplete and precipitated breviary. Was what I got … before the irrefutable claim of Ana and Rui.
Thanks Emidio
strange but obvious cosmic movement the moon was today further. However not disappeared! I will seek it sooner …
Who is here today touched it, because you have inspired us to do so. You gave us strength and talents we did not know. You were a creator, an inventor, a sculptor, a fighter, a dreamer. And as the song says, you believed that you were not the only one. Thank you for helping us teres dreaming. And, more than that, for the teres taught to dream!
We are here today daughters, brothers, nephews, cousins, uncles, comrades, men and women, young and old. “Companions” as you liked to say.
Here are people. Of various races and each with its own history.
But the story none of us would be what it is without your inspiration.
From you, take countless lessons.
And each of us, I believe, take your own story.
Contigo learned, learned! Both
For me and once I was asked this difficult testimony that is breaking the tablets of this coffin, I remember your greatness, your generosity, your genius and courage. That yes, what is worth remembering. And not the petty things, the painful moments that also suffered and did suffer. What time does justice to the just.
And you proved that agony. Often – irony! – The news said things about you. In most cases for minor and petty feelings and the morbid temptation that humans have to belittle those who dare to be different, the nonconformists, those who are not … Those who do not get carried away.
However, Emidio, you learned that it is not worth wanting to be exemplary. Do not! Nobody is exemplary !!! But worth dying on behalf of one example of an idea, a passion; on behalf of a multitude, an army or a simple soldier trench. And on behalf of a child, a friend, a woman, a comrade, even the most anonymous of the indigent.
And your example of generosity and passion will endure. Me, will endure until the day of my own death.
In recent days all stressed how important you are to journalism. You made it a better place. No, in this profession, we have not found heaven. But we know the way. And we know that never attain, but you must make your way
As a journalist and as a man still thank you for helping me to wake up every day eager to embrace the unknown.; be available to all, including – and especially -. know what not
This availability for the new, it is impossible for your great entry in our hearts and in our lives. And the passion you placed everything, everything, what you were doing.
Are you in us.
We will take you with us, my brother, my friend, my father, my source inspiration of knowing that we will never be like you. You know … You’re like the news: there are no two alike. And that is wonderful.
Now, mate, hope and desire that some rest in peace.
Until forever “.
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