Wednesday, October 21, 2015

It is now! Marty finally comes to the future – News Journal

After print on the screen the name of the movie and starts to roar thundering music Alan Silvestri, trumpets, horns and fragrant thin ropes adventure. A second before, Doc, the lunar scientist bugalhudos eyes and bristly white hair, DeLorean inventor DMC 12 “kited” said his famous phrase. “?! Roads Where are we going we do not need roads”

The fictional journey that begins later, from 1985 to 2015, leads the protagonists Marty McFly (Michael J. Fox), his girlfriend Jennifer (Elisabeth Shue) and Doc Emmett Brown (Christopher Lloyd) to a time that now makes History : October 21, 2015, the day the future – dazzling, exotic, sour, surrounded by dystopia – was envisioned 30 years ago by filmmaker Robert Zemeckis and Bob Gale your coargumentista. To amaze: the triptych (the 1st film is 1985, the 2nd 1989, the third in 1990), all of it a spirited scientific allegory, very light as the heart of Capra, survived without wrinkles to thunderous passage of . time today

Despite all that future be ludicrous and ironic – the series “Shark” never reached the 19 movie, we get the “Jaws 4″; also does not have holographic cinema – see cars flying is the first prophecy of the tape that is to be realized: not only vehicles today do not fly, as we are far from abandoning fossil fuels and move to power cars with cathode waste bin in engines of domestic nuclear energy. On the contrary, the belief was full in what is the biggest film icon: the hoverboard, flying skate where Marty escapes the villain, the “Bullier” Biff – who has just humiliated in an anthological scene, with its submerged car in a truck loaded excrement. The hoverboard already exist in the laboratory (brand Hendo), but its magnetic field only does levitate in own lane. The same in Nike sneakers self-tightening laces 30 years later, Nike is still working on a prototype

Opposing prophecies and concreteness can lead us to a frustrated way, but those are more.. Here’s what we do not have: adjustable clothing that speaks to us, teasers dream inductors, watches that predict the weather accurately to the second, drones reporters, drones wandering the dog, drones wandering the grandfather, bank payments with fingerprint, microcomida hydrated in microwave, surfboards jet, and court sentences two hours after the offender be detained. What we have? Basically this: videophones, augmented reality glasses and only

Magnificent timeless capsule film that preserves the youth of the beholder, “Back to the Future” portrays optimistic about the human race. Believes that it is possible defy the laws of the universe – that is God – and triumph. For this and for all, today all you owe a thank you.


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