When told parents who liked to go to the Conservatory and study theater, his father, understanding, said to him: “If that’s your dream, you must go.” William disagreed. “Being an actor was not my dream. It was my order. For me a dream was to travel with Marilyn Monroe in a convertible. Making theater was something else. It was something I wanted to do.” He managed. At 22, William Gomes is preparing to play the role of Hamlet, directed by Luis Miguel Cintra, with debut scheduled for today at the Almada Festival.
William can not identify exactly how he started his passion for theater. When I was little, in Viseu, the parents took him often to see gigs at the Teatro Viriato. “Sometimes even things that were not very suitable to my age, I think. I remember seeing parts that marked me and others that scared me, I got to be afraid to go to the theater.” One of the first memories that you have of these trips to the theater is, one day, be pulled from the audience to the stage: “They put me a chamber pot on his head and stood there.” Later, he participated in Panos, an initiative of Culturgest which puts playwrights and directors to work with young people, and remembers many workshops with Graeme Pulleyn. But the theater was not important in your life. “It was an exercise, helped me to have more concentration in school. But it was not an overwhelming passion, was gradual.”
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