After passing by a few and good, especially after being kidnapped by some henchmen of Caesar (Rafael Cardoso) and only able to escape by jumping off a cliff, Mario (Bruno Gagliasso) can finally get back to Camp of the Rising Sun, in the chapter of this Tuesday (17) of Rising Sun. In addition to his family, the protagonist still leaves Alice (Giovanna Antonelli) completely completely bowled over, to reappear in the city.
unable to hide the happiness he is feeling, mainly for being alive, even after so many difficulties, the son of Vittorio, Marcello Novaes) arrives at the home wanting to “recover” all the days that passed away, to the surprise of all, when you ask for your great love in marriage.
it is Worth remembering that the back of Mario ends up leaving Alice completely relieved, since, as soon as he heard, Ralf (Henri Castelli), that your “beautiful” could have died, was totally without ground, needing to be supported by the actual tattoo artist, not to swoon. How romantic!
Check out the full summary of what will happen in the novel today:
Alice is visibly moved to find that Neide is a caiçara and that Luzia did his birth. Mario bears testimony to the police about your kidnapping and the attack on Wagner. Luzia says to Neide that Mario will save Alice from a great suffering. Carol encourages Sirlene to continue with Felipe. John Amaro delivers the Louzada documents, forged by Caesar, be committed by Alice. Loretta creeps to Stefano. Hideo combines with Flavinha help Peppino and Nanda. Julia fears for the life of Wagner.
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