Once you have recognized to be in pain after a first surgery, Jessie J revealed now being subjected to a second operation.
“I was operated a second time, so I will not publish much. I’m still not better but I am every day to work at it. Love and trust the people I have around me enough to face my fear of operations, even if sometimes need a push, “he wrote.
Jessie J continues without revealing the causes of operation but appreciates the support of the fans. “As I said before, I will not even want to talk about what happened. It’s personal. Thank you to those who respect it. I’m just telling you how I am because some people ask. And as I had to cancel some concerts, it is fair to say to those who ask where I am I’m in the hospital and not disappeared. “
The singer was in Lisbon in the middle of the month for a concert at MEO Arena.
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