The latest exercise of Canadian social entomology David Cronenberg is part of the metamorphosis that the filmmaker’s work has been making, the much celebrated body horror towards a more diffuse and restless soul horror, where mutations ” new flesh “would have given rise to a disturbing investigation of disorders of a” new mind “.
On the surface, Maps to the Stars works as previous complement Cosmopolis (2012), in its openly satirical dimension of the world in which we live and the “masters of the universe”: the argument Bruce Wagner throws himself mercilessly to contemporary Hollywood system, with its agents and venal entourages that exist only to do the will of spoiled and unsafe stars. In case, an actress in decline, desperate to play the role of his own mother in a biopic (extraordinary Julianne Moore), and a kid prodigy with a career in controlled tightrope closely by parents.
Violence satire, tinged with desperation, you can suggest something film à clef, opaque, matte, with its hint of “reckoning” private – and it must be said that the bitterness and cruelty of the film makes proof is not infrequently difficult to digest. Help, and much, that Maps to the Stars have to anchor it the superlative interpretation Julianne Moore (interpretation award in Cannes) very well surrounded by Mia Wasikowska, Olivia Williams, John Cusack and most just Robert Pattinson (and it is curious how few times to recognize the talent of Cronenberg as a director of actors). But Cronenberg makes up for this by introducing the character of Agatha, a young newcomer from the East Coast (Wasikowska to evoke Claire Danes), which is the “bridge” between the various characters.
Agatha is a kind of “death angel” whose presence comes contaminate the iniquity and purify this incestuous system. And these implications of a “new mind” consumed by the inner body sins Maps to the Stars becomes in worthy member of Cronenberguiana work, where the mocking and claustrophobic blackness that the filmmaker sought without hitting Cosmopolis spreads in all its dimensions.
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