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Mark David Chapman, the man who on December 8, 1980 John Lennon killed with four shots back of the musician, had his eighth request for parole denied, according to Rolling Stone and will remain at least two more years in a closed system. After this date you can enter a new order.
Chapman was sentenced to life imprisonment and had the right to make their first request for parole 20 years after the conviction. In 2012, Yoko Ono asked the killer parole was not granted because he feared for the safety of the children of John, Julian and Sean. Mark David Chapman fulfilled yet 33 years in closed regime.
Created in 1996, Whiplash.Net is the most complete site about Rock and Heavy Metal in Portuguese. In July 2014 the site has had 1,407,139 visitors, 3,119,594 visits and 7,821,726 pageviews. Writers, bands and promoters can collaborate by SEND MATERIAL link at the top of the site
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All the stories about “Beatles”
All articles on “John Lennon” />
John Lennon: killer has eighth request for release denied
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German Bundesliga: Bundesliga poster of rock festival
Backward Messages: Messages unlike songs in Rock
Icons of Rock: portrayed tapes
Paul McCartney: musician talks about retirement
Beatles: music at the opening of the new soap opera
About Paul Bridges
Born in Valinhos, São Paulo, is a journalism student and began listening to rock in the universe of Guns n ‘Roses. Is a fan of Led Zeppelin, Richie Kotzen and Edguy, but loves the rock in all its aspects, from Classic Rock to Black Metal. After listening to the chorus of “Eagle Fly Free” for the first time, started to really enjoy Power Metal, and thought he would never hear a chorus as good as that within such a perspective, really was right, not heard. Married and father of two beautiful girls, also has a great time with good movies and books.
More raw Paul Bridges Whiplash.Net.
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