Actually, the Swedish DJ Avicii was not kidding when he announced big partnerships for his new album. Chris Martin , lead singer of Coldplay; Billie Joe Armstrong , lead singer of Green Day; Serj Tankian , lead singer of System of a Down and Jon Bon Jovi are confirmed by some of the partnerships DJ. This team also receives weight now Robbie Williams
Released on Friday (03/10) the video of the first song released from “Stories”, an album that should arrive in stores in the first half of 2015 The DJ came to cancel several shows, due to health problems must innovate in their songs.
A recipe for mixing the new album probably already established hits Avicii electronics, with a footprint rock’n’roll .
Checks as there was the sound of the DJ with the participation of master pop, Robbie Williams
Trickster and loser.
Journalist and communicator of Atlantis Chapecó
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